The Essential Link Between Thinking and Writing

Want to strengthen your critical thinking skills? Write!
My profession of qualitative research, like many others, demands critical thinking. The ability to internalize data and apply it to a client’s business objectives is a foundational skill for qualitative researchers.
Is there a more fundamental skill than critical thinking? I can’t think of one. It’s tops on my list of three essential cognitive skills:
  • Critical thinking
  • Decision making
  • Problem solving
These skills are key building blocks of success, and I plan to write more about them in upcoming posts.
If we’re going to talk about critical thinking, it’s worthwhile to define the term. I see critical thinking as encompassing three sub-skills:
Data gathering – pulling together and summarizing everything you know about a specific situation or topic.
Data assessment – evaluating information quality. This is the point at which critical thinking often breaks down. I do a lot of research in health and nutrition. Much of the data supporting nutrition claims is of dismal quality. That it’s the basis for recommendations about what we should eat may be why we are in the midst of an epidemic of chronic disease. The ability to vet information is crucial to forming valid conclusions.
Inference – understanding the potential implications of the data. What does it mean, and what, therefore, might you do?
Unless your name is Albert Einstein, you’re probably not as good at critical thinking as you could be. So, how do you get better at this crucial skill?
Write! Writing isn’t easy, which is why many of us avoid it. As historian David McCullough used to say, “Writing is thinking. To write well is to think clearly. That’s why it’s so hard.” So, when you write something out, you’re giving yourself no option but to think it through.
Writing offers some irreplaceable benefits:
It compels disciplined thinking. When you put something on paper and then read it back, if your thinking isn’t clear and logical, that will be immediately apparent.
It helps you break your analysis into manageable parts. Because we write in sentences and paragraphs, writing naturally leads you to organize your thinking.
It requires you to assess your evidence. When you match each claim you make with the data that supports it, you can see if your premise is adequately supported.
It leads you to think about implications. When you get to that concluding sentence or paragraph, it’s natural to summarize what it all means and maybe even come up with solutions and recommendations.
So, to strengthen your critical thinking, write! Write something every day. If you’re thinking about current events – or a decision you have to make – that’s the time to pick up your pen. It will help you think things through and come to better decisions.
After all, that’s one reason I write this monthly newsletter. It helps me hone my own thinking about topics that are important to me.

Using Humor to Improve Conversation.

Laughter can be a powerful tool.
When beginning focus groups or interviews, it’s necessary to inform participants that the session is being recorded. My explanation for this is that “I’m too lazy to take notes.” This generally gets a bit of a laugh. But this lame joke also serves a purpose. The beginning of qualitative research can be nerve-wracking, for both participants and researcher. Humor can help dissipate some of the anxiety.
Humor is a useful tool in many situations, and it serves some important purposes:
It lightens the mood. When people are in an unfamiliar situation, they get anxious. Humor releases tension and can defuse that apprehension.
It enables candor. A little humor can demonstrate that you’re not worried about anything anybody might say, suggesting others shouldn’t worry either.
It lowers the stakesQualitative research is often seen by participants as being ‘important’ and ‘serious.’ And they’re right. I’ve never worked on a study that wasn’t of crucial importance and to be taken seriously. However, this perception can work against participants relaxing and saying what they really think. If people are trying to say the ‘right’ thing, or worried about saying something ‘wrong’, they’re unlikely to be honest.
Why is humor so effective in facilitating honest interactions? Because it’s both subversive and transgressive. Subversive because it can be contrary to cultural norms. Transgressive because it can cross the boundaries created by those norms. So, humor can create that ‘just us chickens’ vibe that can be so valuable.
For example, ethics require qualitative researchers to disclose that colleagues are observing the research. Knowing they’re being observed could make people a bit uncomfortable. So, when making this disclosure, I often will make a joke at the expense of the observers such as “we put them on the other side of the mirror because they’re kind of funny-looking.”
The key thing about humor, particularly in professional or business settings, is to know exactly why you’re using it. Don’t just make a joke for the sake of being funny. Whether it’s to build rapport, boost morale or defuse conflict, be sure you have a purpose in mind.
And beware of the risks. There’s always a possibility you could say something others might find unprofessional or offensive, despite your intentions, so make sure the potential rewards outweigh the risks. Here are a few guidelines I follow:
Know your audience. Understand their sensitivities and cultural backgrounds.
Consider the context. Make sure humor is appropriate for the setting.
Avoid controversial topics. ‘Nuff said.
Assess reactions. Be ready to pull the rip cord if a joke seems to be falling flat.
So, go ahead. Let yourself be funny. Just don’t do it thoughtlessly.

Keep Your Eye on the North Star

It’s easy to lose sight of your objective.
When I did focus group moderator training in the early 90s, the trainer made a point I’ve never forgotten. In qualitative research, everything you do must be driven by the research objectives. This is a lesson I pass on whenever I mentor new qualitative researchers – the research objectives are your North Star. They inform every aspect of the research: the research specifications, the screening questionnaire, the discussion guide, the stimuli, the analysis, everything.
This idea seems so basic that you’d think it doesn’t even need to be said. But it does. As the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche once wrote, “to forget one’s purpose is the commonest form of stupidity.” It’s easy to lose track of why you’re doing what you’re doing and get distracted by considerations unrelated to your goal.
Remember Kodak? It used to be one of the world’s great brands. The company invented the digital camera in the mid 1970s. However, it failed to develop this technology, despite its potential to revolutionize photography. Rather than staying true to its objective of remaining dominant in photography, the company instead chose to protect its film business. We all know how this story ends: Kodak declared bankruptcy in 2012.
When I start a qualitative study, my first order of business is to ask about the research objectives. Have they been fully articulated and agreed to by all stakeholders? Are they actionable and specific? If detailed objectives don’t exist, that’s job one.
Even with solid objectives, it’s easy to get sidetracked by transient, sometimes urgent complications. As the saying goes, “when you’re up to your ass in alligators, it’s difficult to remember that your initial objective was to drain the swamp.”
It’s common, once qualitative research is underway, to see unrelated questions added to the research because ‘we’re here anyway.’ A few years ago, I was conducting shop-along interviews. Our objective was to evaluate the visibility and strategic appropriateness of on-shelf signage.
Midway through the project, the brand team decided to test new package designs. Before we knew it, this took over the study, leaving no room for the original objectives. Fortunately, the research director restored order before things went completely off the rails.
This principle has implications beyond the qualitative research or business worlds. It’s easy to get diverted by external factors. Social pressures can undermine your focus. People who don’t understand your goals or share your passions can push you off your path. Nietzsche believed succumbing to such pressures to be a betrayal of one’s individuality and true purpose, and that only by committing fully to our purpose can we truly flourish.
So, as best you can, ignore the alligators and pay attention to Herr Nietzsche. Don’t lose sight of your purpose – it’s how you achieve success.

Hope is the Flip Side of Fear

Thanks for all the emails and comments on my last newsletter on fear. Those led to interesting conversations, some of which focused on hope.
This isn’t surprising; hope and fear are two sides of the same coin. As a qualitative researcher, I pay close attention to hopes and fears. They are the two key attributes of an anticipation mindset – looking to the future with either anxiety or optimism. Anytime a research participant says something that sounds like one of those, I immediately dig into it. I’ve learned that, at the core of hopes and fears, lie beliefs. Beliefs are key – they drive everything we think and do. As philosopher and neuroscientist Sam Harris has written:
“A belief is a lever that, once pulled, moves almost everything in a person’s life.”
Sam is right – beliefs drive perceptions, decisions, and behaviors. I once conducted research among individuals who – despite having high blood pressure – weren’t taking the drugs they’d been prescribed. A number of factors drove this noncompliance, but a big one was fear. Some had specific fears: “my aunt fell and got a concussion because her meds made her blood pressure too low.” Others had non-specific fears: “I just worry about side effects.”
Both of these fears were rooted in a belief. The first participant believed – with good reason – that too high a dose can lead to hypotension, which increases the risk of fainting and falling. The second had a vague belief that “they don’t test these medicines enough.” He couldn’t cite any facts to support this belief, but that didn’t matter – it was real to him.
Sometimes we forgo things that would clearly benefit us due to irrational fears: enriching travel, leaving a bad job or a dysfunctional relationship, or avoiding an important medical therapy. And sometimes we get into patterns of self-destructive behaviors because we’re hoping that … ‘this time it’ll be different.’
That common wisdom about the definition of insanity – doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result – rings true. At the core of this sort of behavior generally lies an irrational hope … ‘maybe this time around Lucy won’t pull the football away.’
Hopes and fears can serve as a way of coping with uncertainty or adversity, and are valuable if kept in their place. But we need to be aware of them, lest they lead to bad decisions. It’s a good practice to interrogate our hopes and fears, particularly when they seem to be influencing our behavior. Where do they come from? Are they rational? Upon what beliefs are they based? Should we allow them to drive our behavior in this situation? The answers to those hard questions can help guide us to better decisions.

How To Make Any Problem Worse.

It’s easy. Just add fear.
There is no problem that’s so bad that you can’t make it even worse. I’ve found that fear is a great way to do that.
Don’t get me wrong; fear is a normal and healthy thing. It’s an evolved trait – the fight-or-flight response – and it wouldn’t have emerged and stuck around over 800 million years of animal evolution if it weren’t useful. But today we live in a different environment than the one in which our species evolved, and sometimes modern environmental factors don’t mesh with ancient instincts.
When fear gets out of control, bad things happen – panic, reckless decisions, freezing up, people exploiting those fears. The list goes on. People become angry, and look to place blame. This phenomenon was fully on display during the Covid pandemic. Irrational fears clearly made some aspects of this situation worse, and unscrupulous people exploited those fears.
I certainly see this as a qualitative researcher. When I interview research participants about emotionally loaded topics, such as healthcare, children, politics, or their financial situations, they sometimes seem overwhelmed with fear.
Often this fear seems to be triggered and stoked by information they get from cable news and social media – two of those modern environmental factors. I usually make a point of digging into those fears, as that can lead to important insights, but that’s a topic for a future newsletter.
Another example: I’m always a bit of a nervous wreck before I start a qualitative study. Always. This might be due to a legitimate reason – it’s a new topic for me or a new client, or maybe there’s dysfunction among the research team. In other words, there are real risks at play. In that case, I’ll think about how to prepare, and devise strategies for dealing with the risks.
But, if there’s no identifiable reason for being nervous, I just remind myself that I’m always anxious before starting a project, and not to worry about that too much. It’s normal, and natural, and it’s my friend – it keeps me sharp.
FDR got it right in 1933 – “we have nothing to fear but fear itself.” I frequently remind myself not to be afraid of being afraid. I also try to remember not to confuse fear with anxiety. They’re closely related, but definitely not the same thing. Fear is a natural, human response. Respect it and use it, but keep it in its place.